Features of Premium DNS

Premium DNS features
  • Unlimited Domains (Zones)
    Iwebslog Premium DNS Offers a Advanced DNS Management for Unlimited number of Domains. There are no hidden charges for each domain and you can manage DNS activity for all of your domains (excludes DNSSEC^). 
  • Unlimited Records
    Add & Manage Unlimited DNS Records for each domain in your DNS Manager without any extra charges.
  • 99.999% SLA guarantee†  
    We guarantee a 99.999% up-time Service-Level Agreement† on your Domain DNS resolution to insure your website and other services are always available. 
  • DNSSEC Records
    We provide 5 DNSSEC domains (can add more later) to secure your site with the DNSSEC “chain of trust,” that makes sure that your visitors are not getting redirected to a fake and malicious website and it also prevents malicious acts by hackers. 
  • Secondary DNS Server
    You can add a Secondary DNS Server for a critical web system or service. This server can avail the facility of syncing and makes your website reliable and available every-time. 
  • Error Checking  
    Our Advanced DNS System detects all issues and error with your DNS resolution and makes it easy for you to resolve them.
  • Custom Templates  
    Create customized templates with common configuration for your domains to complete a bulk update in all the zones.
  • Vanity Name Servers (Preferred)
    Create your own DNS Name Server and map your domains to it. This will create your own branded DNS server to match your business information for Domain Whois look-ups. 
  • Traffic Reporting & Analytics
    Our System will track all the traffic and create custom reports for you to gauge the performance and audit the results.
  • Multi-Users
    Add multiple users to your DNS System and also keep a track on who changed what. 
  • AnyCast Global DNS Network   
    We use Fast, Reliable and Secure DNS resolution with our Anycast network. Anycast is a network addressing and routing methodology in which datagrams from a single sender are routed to the topologically nearest node in a group of potential receivers, though it may be sent to several nodes, all identified by the same destination address. This redundant, global approach covers the U.S., Europe and Asia, helps protect against DNS-targeted DDoS attacks and eliminates a single point of failure. 
  • Bulk Features for updating DNS
    Save time by performing bulk imports, exports and updates to zones in one go. 
  • Zone Groups   
    Create Custom zone groups to organize and manage them effectively and apply universal group updates.
  • DNS Manager   
    Manage all your domains with full control over all record types like: NS, MX, A, SRV, TXT, CNAME and more. You can also control time-to-live (TTL) at the record level for each Domain.
  • Domain Forwarding   
    “Call forwarding” for your website.
  • Expert Support   
    Highly trained DNS experts available 24/7. 
  • Complete Solution   
    One low price for advanced DNS management and security tools to manage all of your DNS activities.