Virtual Dedicated Server (VPS) Hosting

Virtually Dedicated Server Hosting

VPS Web Hosting is the almost equivalent to Dedicated server hosting, with the same level of performance and resources. A Virtually dedicated server gives more power than a shared hosting platform in the hands of user. In a shared hosting platform, all the websites and clients share the same resources, but in a VPS instance each client has it’s own share of resources and they are not shared with other clients. This results in complete control of data, privacy, performance and power as sudden spike in traffic for other website does not impact your business website.

Self Managed VPS 1 vCPU 1 GB RAM

  • 1 CPU Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 20 GB SSD Storage
  • Linux only, no control panel*

*If you’re running a high-resource intensive Windows OS or control panel, we strongly recommend a minimum of 2 GB of RAM. (The 1 GB plan will result in deficient server performance.)

₹ 539.00 / per month

Self Managed VPS 2 vCPU 4 GB RAM

  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 100 GB SSD Storage
₹ 2,569.00 / per month

Self Managed VPS 2 vCPU 8 GB RAM

  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 100 GB SSD Storage
₹ 3,929.00 / per month

Self Managed VPS 4 vCPU 8 GB RAM

  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 200 GB SSD Storage
₹ 5,119.00 / per month

Self Managed VPS 4 vCPU 16 GB RAM

  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 200 GB SSD Storage
₹ 6,389.00 / per month

Self Managed VPS 8 vCPU 16 GB RAM

  • 8 CPU Cores
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 400 GB SSD Storage
₹ 8,849.00 / per month

Self Managed VPS 8 vCPU 32 GB RAM

  • 8 CPU Cores
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 400 GB SSD Storage
₹ 12,539.00 / per month

Iwebslog VPS Features

  • Admin access: Install and run virtually anything on the server.
  • Manage Multiple Web sites: Unlimited Web sites on each server.
  • Versatility: A dedicated server/virtual dedicated server can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including gaming, virtual (i.e., shared) hosting, and hosting of traffic-intensive Web sites.
  • Free Rapid Setup – Set-up your server in few minutes
  • 3 Dedicated IPs – Access your website anytime.
  • FTP access – Access all the root files and folders.
  • Bandwidth Overage Protection – Monthly limit from 1TB to 8TB
  • Best-of-breed routers and servers – Keep Your Website Secure & Up
  • TippingPoint® Intrusion Prevention Systems
  • Telephone, email and Web-based tech support 24/7/365
  • 24/7 physical security of Data Centers globally.
  • 24/7 network monitoring, software & hardware updates.
  • Ultra Fast Servers across the globe in UK, USA and Asia. 

Included Support

If the source of the technical problem you are experiencing lies within systems or technology under our exclusive management, no charge will apply.

Examples of supported technical problems:

  • Your server becomes unreachable due to a network failure within our facility.
  • Your server becomes unreachable due to a hardware failure within our facility.
  • The hosting service setup process failed to complete successfully.
  • A root user password change request failed to resolve successfully.

Telephone Support & Sales

Linux VPS Core Features 

Equipped with the latest & constantly updated Linux software and addons, our Linux servers keeps your website safe and secure for you and your customers. 

  • Apache – Version 2.2.x & above
  • MySQL/MySQLi – Version 5.4.x & above
  • PHP with Zend – Version 5.4.x
  • Ruby on Rails with Ruby Gems
  • Spamassassin, Clam-AV, CSF Firewall
  • POP3 / IMAP / Webmail / Blackberry / Horde / Roundcube
  • Softaculous Installer (Optional) / Installatron
  • Cloudflare CDN (Optional) / Custom Cloud CDN
Windows VPS Core Features 

Our security team monitors the sever 24/7 & update our severs to the latest Windows platform and its compatible hardware. and keep your website safe and secure.

  • IIS – Version 7.5 & above
  • MSSQL 2012 Express (Free)
  • PHP with Zend – Version 5.4.x
  • Plesk 11.30 Unlimited Domains.
  • Windows Defender Firewall
  • POP3 / IMAP / Webmail / Blackberry
  • Microsoft Platform Installer
  • Full RDP Access

Why Iwebslog for Virtually Dedicated Server Hosting?

  • Certified Web Development Company
  • Domains & Hosting Platform is being used by more than 12 Millions Customers.
  • More than 99.9% uptime 24/7/365 
  • 24/7 Support via Email, Phone or Online Ticket System 
  • Immediate Server Setup based on your custom configurations.
  • 24/7 Network Monitoring and Security Updates. 
  • Freedom of choosing your own RAM, Control Panel, Operating System and Bandwidth and further upgrade them anytime. 
  • Private VLAN network & Remote reboot.
  • Global Data Centers across USA, UK and Asia