Code & Driver Signatures
Protect Your Code from illegal theft or re-Engineering with Your Own Digital Signature and keep up the trust of your User in your Software.
Code & Driver Signing Certificates
Show customers they can trust your code by securing it with a unique digital signature.
WordPress Writers says “Code is Poetry”. And people who understands their utility and usage love these poems written by developers. These code is known with the name of these Developers and builds the reputation of it’s Developer or Engineer. For a Individual software developer, it becomes matter of utmost importance that he should keep his software free from any hacking or alteration by anyone else. If someone breaks this code and alters it for malicious purposes than no one is going to trust that developer again. With our advanced Code & Driver Signatures, you can secure the software code and Protect yourself, your customers and your good name.
As an independent developer or programmer, your code is your reputation. If your release is hacked, infected, or altered in any way, customers won’t trust you enough to give you a second chance. Protect yourself, your customers and your good name with the rock-solid security of a code or driver signing certificate.
Code Signing Certificate

- Validates and secures your code with industry standard encryption.
- Eliminates security warnings (like Unidentified Publisher”) during downloads and installation of code
- Protects your code with your choice of SHA-1 or SHA-2 encryption
- Includes free malware scanner that scans your website for virus or hacking attempts
- Ideal for Software Developers or Open Source Publishers who distributes code
Driver Signing Certificate

- Required for all Microsoft® hardware drivers, Windows Vista® or later
- Validates and secures your code
- Eliminates security warnings during download and installation
- Provides high-grade SHA-1 encryption
- Reinforces security with cross-certificate validation
- Includes free malware scanner
Bad things can happen to your code when it’s distributed online. It can be hacked before it reaches the user, stolen by another developer, or just never get installed because the “Unidentified Publisher” warning scares off your customers. Fortunately, a Iwebslog Code or Driver Signing Certificate makes it easy to protect your code — and your customers — from these and other issues.
Overview of Code & Digital Signatures

Code signing adds a digital signature to the software’s executable code, validating that the code comes from you. When an end-user attempts to download your content, a dialog box will appear identifying you as the publisher. Any alteration of the original code breaks the digital signature, alerting potential users that the content is not to be trusted.
- Allows publishers to sign .exe, .cab, .dll, and .ocx files; Java Applets and MIDlets; Microsoft® Office documents with macros; and other types of files that support digital signatures.
- Iwebslog Code Signing Certificates are fully integrated with Industry-Standard Technology.
- Code Signing Certificates are available only to legally registered companies with a registered status of “Good Standing”, “Active” or equivalent. Registration will be confirmed with the appropriate government agency before issuing the Code Signing Certificate

With public concern for online security at an all-time high, people are no longer willing to download software without proof that it’s legitimate. With a Code Signing Certificate, software developers and other content publishers can “sign” their code, thereby reassuring customers it’s the real thing.
- Ideal for individual software developers/IT agencies or content providers of ActiveX controls, dynamic link libraries (.dll files), .cab files, HTML content or any other software distributed over the Internet or via an extranet.
- Allows distribution of signed code beyond the certificate expiry date by Time-stamping so users know that your code went through the verification process.
- Secure your intellectual property by alerting on author impersonation and code tampering.
- Validates the source & authenticates the integrity of code

- Improves user confidence & trust in your Brand.
- Improves user confidence & helps in building up the level of trust in your code
- Supports Microsoft Authenticode and Java
- Eliminate “Unidentified Publisher” warnings.
- Approve your software for use on Windows® operating systems. A driver signing certificate is required for all hardware drivers, Windows Vista or later.
- Secure your software with the same industry-standard encryption used for SSL Certificates, making it impossible for others to alter your code.
- Act as a digital ‘safety seal’ to show customers that your code has not been tampered with in any way.
- Display your name or your company’s name, instead of “Unidentified Publisher,” during download and installation, so customers know you’re a legitimate developer.
- Work with several types of files and languages, including .EXE, .CAB, .DLL, .OCX, Java, HTML, ActiveX, even Microsoft® Office Macros and any other file types that support digital signatures.
- Driver Signatures are verified through both Iwebslog and Microsoft via cross-certificate validation, adding an extra level of security and assurance for your customers.
Who Needs One
A Iwebslog Code Signing Certificate is essential for:
- Any commercial or open source provider who distributes code or content over the Internet or via an extranet.
- Publishers wishing to protect their reputations by making it impossible for impersonators to successfully tamper with their trusted products.
Iwebslog Code Signing Certificates are fully integrated with Industry-Standard technology and are available only to legally registered companies with a registered status of ‘Good Standing’, ‘Active’ or equivalent. Registration is confirmed with the appropriate government agency before issuing the Code Signing Certificate.